flodesk vs mailchimp: an honest review on why we switched email marketing platforms

It’s no secret how important it is to have a strong email list for your charity/business/brand. Sure, social platforms like Instagram and Twitter are helpful to get eyeballs to your site, you also don’t “own” them. An email list, that is what you own. So having a solid newsletter plan is essential to growing your business and engaging with your audience.

Many small businesses consider mailchimp the only viable option simply because it is so well known. Recently, Flodesk was launched and it has forever changed our email marketing game. Honestly, Mailchimp is/was the worst. Flodesk is a platform that helps you easily make newsletters that people actually WANT to receive and read. That’s why today, we’re sharing 5 reasons why you should switch from MailChimp to Flodesk for your newsletter needs!


The thing we love the most, the price! So for only $19/month, you can get all the subscribers and templates you want. You can also try it out 30 days for free to see if you like it! And we KNOW you will.

Also, Flodesk won’t charge you more for more subscribers. We felt every few months, MailChimp was upping our fees and changing the pricing tier. One flat rate, that’s it. That’s the beauty of Flodesk.

Insanely Easy to Use

If you ever used MailChimp, I’m sure you’ve experienced frustration from all the tags, lists, contacts and the like. There were so many changes constantly happening, you never really knew what was going on. We love that Flodesk is insanely user-friendly. From creating templates to segmenting your subscriber list. You can create an email marketing campaign in minutes that is easy to do and beautiful.

On Brand Templates = Aesthetically Pleasing

The number one reason we love Flodesk is how beautiful their pre-made templates on. Something that Mailchimp never had was templates that were at all relevant, let alone beautiful. You can easily update the pre-made templates, create your own with their layout blocks and text for an on-brand and beautiful newsletter. You can even set your brand colors so you can easily update templates with your branding in seconds.

PS we also LOVE that it pulls in your Instagram feed. MailChimp has been around for how many years and never seemed to figure this one.

Workflows = Simplified

Having workflows for a welcome sequence when someone signs up is crucial to building a tribe and increasing your open rates. You want to build a connection with your audience, and creating a nurturing workflow sequence is essential. There are several workflow templates to choose from or create your own. We recommend sending at least 3 emails to your audience once they sign up. One to welcome them, one to introduce yourself and brand, and lastly, one that shows them what they can expect from you.

Gorgeous Mobile Friendly Pop Up Forms

When you look at the stats of sign up rates through Mailchimp popups (or any other platform for that matter) versus the Flodesk mobile-friendly ones, the numbers don’t lie. Our subscriber rate has increased beyond anything we’ve ever seen with Mailchimp or other newsletter pop up forms. And just like anything else with Flodesk, they’re easy to customize and beautiful. You can even make in-line forms to include on pages and posts, like below!

Ready to get started? Sign up here & snag a great discount!


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